Renewable Energy in Monaco  

Renewable Energy in MonacoRenewable energy in Monaco is becoming more common today. From seawater heat pumps to solar power, these are resources that are not easily depleted within our lifetime and Monaco looks to become a more green country. Renewable energy allows for better energy efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn helps with combating changing weather patterns. 

Types of Renewable Energy

The most common types of renewable energy in Monaco come from sunlight and wind power. The country is utilizing these two resources in many places. There are also other types of renewable resources, such as hydropower and geothermal energy. 

Solar panels take energy from the sun and transfer it into usable energy for the building or space that the solar panels are connected to. There are two types of solar panels used in Monaco today: solar photovoltaic panels and solar thermal panels. 

Solar photovoltaic panels are used to take energy from the sun and transfer it into electricity. Most of these panels are found on top of buildings, such as schools and office buildings. There are also some residential buildings that use solar panels. All of these buildings use this energy to meet their needs for electricity, such as lighting. One of the most well-known projects in Monaco for solar panels has been the installation at École des Revoires School. These panels allow for optimal capture of sunlight and allow the school to be self-sufficient in heating water. 

Thermal panels, on the other hand, use energy to heat water areas. Currently, many swimming pools, such as the pool in the Ecole St Charles building, are being heated by these panels but there are other uses for this type of solar panel. 

Seawater Heat Pumps

Seawater heat pumps take energy from the sea and transform it into energy to heat or cool buildings. These pumps are able to extract either warm or cold water from the sea, in Monaco’s case that sea being the Mediterranean. 

Seawater heat pumps are currently being used to produce almost 20% of Monaco’s energy. The pumps are a much more sustainable solution to the world’s energy problems, as they produce energy three to four times more than they consume. 

Green Transportation

Monaco offers many accommodations to eliminate carbon-burning transportation. The principality has a public bus system, electric bikes, electric car-sharing services and even a solar-powered water bus

Monaco has implemented incentives for citizens to use green transportation. Parking passes have reduced fees for those traveling in electric or hybrid vehicles. There is also a discounted price for car sharing, helping struggling families. 

Financial Incentives

The government is offering financial incentives to property owners for the implementation of renewable energy resources. These incentives help with financial burdens for struggling owners. There is another benefit of using renewable energy: the buyback of excess power produced from solar panels. Homeowners are able to sell this excess power for a guaranteed price. 

Another incentive for citizens is to practice proper waste management techniques. Monaco implemented a rewards system where recycling earns points to use for goods and services. Many benefits stem from this system, including revenue for citizens who might be struggling financially

Monaco’s Goals for the Future

Monaco’s aim is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. These reductions are coming from the three highest areas of emissions: transportation, waste treatment and energy consumption. These areas take up around 90% of the principalities’ emissions. Renewable energy in Monaco is just the beginning of a transition to a new era of sustainability. 

Dorothy Howard

Dorothy is based in Greensboro, NC, USA and focuses on Technology and Solutions for The Borgen Project.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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