5 Facts About Poverty and Disabilities in Nepal

Nepal is an Asian country locked between India and China. With more than 40% of the population living below the poverty line, Nepal is “one of the least developed” countries in the world. Despite the country’s hardships, Nepal is making great strides to improve its condition, which opens up possibilities to lower the poverty line. Read more…

Renewable Energy in Sudan

Sudan is a developing nation in Northeast Africa with a population of around 47 million people. The World Bank report from 2023 shows 15.3% of the population living under the international poverty rate ($2.15), 49.7% living under the lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65) and 86.2% living under the upper middle-income rate ($6.85). While these figures Read more…

Updates on SDG 7 in Lebanon

The country of Lebanon is engaged in a war which the actual state of Lebanon has neither the power to begin or end, and has been suffering from the same financial crisis since 2019. In addition to a refugee crisis that has heightened sectarian strife to unprecedented levels, an energy shortage seems to be a Read more…

Renewable Energy in Monaco  

Renewable energy in Monaco is becoming more common today. From seawater heat pumps to solar power, these are resources that are not easily depleted within our lifetime and Monaco looks to become a more green country. Renewable energy allows for better energy efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn helps with combating changing Read more…

Child Marriage in Burkina Faso

Despite the implementation of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Elimination of Child Marriage in 2015, girls in Burkina Faso remain more likely than not to be married before they turn 18. The strategy outlines commitments aimed at ending child marriage in Burkina Faso by 2025. According to the United Nations (U.N.), however, current Read more…

Poverty in the Bible: The Definition of Poverty

Many view poverty only in terms of money. In the most common definition of poverty, the poor are those who simply do not have enough income. But what does poverty mean in the Bible? Poverty in the Bible: Exploring the Scriptures There are 178 uses of the word “poor” in Scripture. So what does poor Read more…

How to Access Your Annual Statements

Your Annual Statement is now ready to download! To access this resource at your convenience, simply login to your personalized donation center. We have outlined the steps below to guide you and included an informational video for further help. It’s easy! Here’s the steps to access and download at your convenience:  Navigate to your Billing […]
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Forging Skills for a New Future: Leonard’s Journey from Despair to Hope

Transformation Inspired Through Education In the Rwandan community of Nyagishubi, an inspiring transformation is taking place. Meet Leonard, a gifted and determined car enthusiast whose life took a positive turn, thanks to a scholarship funded through child sponsorship with Food for the Hungry (FH). Gripped by the Challenges of Poverty Being the eldest son, Leonard […]
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Celebrating Success in Bolivia: This is Strengthen Communities

Cinthia, a leader and mother in Monte Rancho, Bolivia, is celebrating with her community members. Together, they’ve overcome the extreme challenges of poverty and built better lives for themselves. Food for the Hungry (FH) started working in Monte Rancho over a decade ago. Through these years, FH has walked alongside Monte Rancho and nearby communities, […]
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A Widow’s Hopeful New Life

At the age of 59, Pelagie led an independent yet isolated life until she connected with other families in her community when Food for the Hungry (FH) led programs made possible through our Multiply Your Donation program and partner grants that established connections between Pelagie and others in her community. In the densely populated country […]
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